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Student Serenity Coaching
Student Serenity Coaching


Are you looking for a strategic and impartial mentor, looking for improvement in any area of your life? More creativity? Are you open-minded and intelligent but seem to need help with the direction you’re heading? Do you feel there is more to life? Then Student Serenity Coaching is for You.

Life Coaching is the act of empowering you. The goal is to expand your awareness through powerful and thought-provoking questioning technologies. I am here to help you leverage your gifts and talents a lot faster than you can do alone. As a life coach, my goal is to help you unlock your own power that you have within you. I can help with this through motivation and asking the right questions. My overall goal with my client, whether it is a student, teacher, or parent is to help promote self-awareness.

When we understand who we are and that we are capable of being and achieving anything we desire, the universe will start to provide us with abundance.

Life coaching can help you in the following areas:

Relationships, spirituality, personal growth, stress management, work/life balance, motivation, confidence, time management, finances and budgeting, health, aging, lifestyle, self-care, family, parenting, and teaching.

Life coaches are trained to assist you in achieving what you want out of life.

Do you want to have emotional freedom by not being attached to anything but open to everything?

I can now use any destructive thoughts to empower myself by recognizing that the thoughts that I have are mine, but I don’t have to accept them, especially if they are not helping me to get what I want in life.

Do you have big goals that you can work towards every day? If so, great, if not, I would recommend setting these up so that you can start to see changes in your life.

If you can think it, and believe it, you can achieve it.

Student Serenity Coaching will help you identify the areas of your life that need improvement. We all have old habits, limiting beliefs, and behaviors that hold us back from achieving our dreams.

Coaching provides you with solutions and results.

Coaching sessions can be done in person or on the phone or over Skype. Follow-up sessions can be also done through email or text.

The individual will evaluate his/her present situation and establish specific goals designed with results and solutions as the main component.

I will assist in this process by using techniques and exercises that will help you discover your own solutions.

When you work with a coach, you will know what your identity is (who you are), understand your emotions and how they can help us, know what you want to accomplish, will have the willingness to change, self-awareness, being in tune with the people around you, and have the ability to set and reach goals.

If you would like additional information, subscribe today.
