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Here’s What The Student Serenity Project Is All About


Hey, how’s it goin’?! I’m Aaron Pickup, the founder of the Student Serenity Project. You’re in the right place if you have experienced any of the following:
Aaron Pickup with Family


  • Students who are uninterested in your lessons or are unmotivated to complete tasks…
  • Students who have negative discussions and actions with their classmates
  • Students who come to school disorganized and homework is incomplete frequently
  • Students who have shown signs of depression, loneliness and anxiety
  • Students who have demonstrated bullying behaviours


  • A disconnect from your child
  • Not sure what to do about your child being bullied
  • Have a difficult time discussing matters with your child’s teacher
  • Feel isolated from your child
  • Continuous arguing with your child
  • Want to feel connected to your child


  • Been a victim of bullying
  • Have bullied others and would like to know how to stop
  • Difficult time making friends
  • Feel lonely or “unheard” or misunderstood
  • Lack of motivation
  • Just feel “bad” or confused sometimes

Or… if you just want to be a part of a leading edge program that will inspire you to live a better life, and give you a boost to use your voice to help the people around you…you’re in the right place…

Here’s How The SSP Helps You and Your Child Feel Good Today

This site will show you the exact strategies and underlying principles that are needed to increase your consciousness so that you can live through your highest Self.

Aaron Has Presented The SSP At The National Healthy Schools Conference In London, On In April/2014.

presentation-aaron-pickupPhoto Cred:Galen Humber

Aaron Presenting at Ignite London, April/2013
Aaron Pickup Presentation

Here’s how I can help you…

By focusing on academic research by experts and experience based solutions, I will help you reconnect with your children and students so we can recognize and honor their “wild” nature.

By adapting our understanding and environments, we can create a loving, caring and uplifting relationship in which emotional needs are fulfilled continuously.

By first recognizing that our children have a dominant nature, guiding system and love languages, we can adapt our parenting and teaching to understand, encourage and inspire by having clarity and being present in all situations.

“Your children need your presence more than your presents.” – Jesse Jackson

I will break the solutions down for you, so you can implement them today. I have a willingness to help you, so you can live a more uplifting and joyous life, free from confusion and disconnect with your children.

I believe, if you want your children and students to succeed in the fast paced society and overcrowded classes that are currently in place, you must master influencing and principle based techniques.

Aaron Pickup and his community will show you the Thought Sharing Solution which includes 5 proven, life changing  strategies and suggestions that you can use right now!

They include the following:

1. Serenity Sendoff
2. The Thought Thermometer
3. Feelings eXchange
4. Serenity Seed System
5. Traveling Touchdown Thoughts

Here Are The 3 Features of The Student Serenity Project

(Student Serenity Show and Blog, Student Serenity Magazine, Student Serenity Coaching)

The SSP, the Student Serenity Show and Blog, hosted by me, Aaron Pickup, is a web tv show where I go over the strategies that make up the Thought Sharing Solution, break down leading edge research from experts and talk about my own experiences to show you how to implement these strategies in your own life. This is a 2 for 1 deal, the SSS and the Blog. Please leave a comment after each episode!

The SSP, the Magazine, will be packed full of inspiration, how-to information and strategies on how to live through your higher Self. The SSM will have guest writers giving you up to date research and information on Emotional Intelligence, Life Coaching, goal setting and strategies to help you and your child increase their consciousness. It’s going to be awesome and I’m excited to launch this online and printed version in August/2015.

The SSP, Coaching, is where I walk you through some solution based criteria and help you achieve success. I will work with you and walk you through some easy to implement strategies that will take you from where you are to where you would like to go. My main focus is to offer my coaching services to anyone who wants to live a more fulfilled life, get up every day with a purpose and strive to live the life that you were created to live. Let’s do this!

This Is What Some Of Our Parents Had To Say About Aaron Pickup And The Student Serenity Project…

“My daughter had come from a school where she was not integrated with her peers and constantly picked on and teased. She was far behind her peers in her learning and frequently stated she was dumb and stupid.

Aaron spent time with me to go over and understand my daughter’s learning, social and emotional needs. He set a plan in place and I started to see changes in my daughter. She started to enjoy school. She was eager to go every morning and let Mr. Pickup know what she had learned. Aaron instinctively got her on a level that no other teacher had. In altering her education plan and school days of constant positive reinforcement Sarah blossomed. Her language changed as well. Words like dumb, stupid and ugly changed to I can do it, I am smart, I just did my best.

He gave her so much and she has kept it all. She is confident and able to express herself. She is able to work independently and feel good about the work she has done. Her language about herself and others is positive, caring and loving.

In summary, Aaron’s language of love has become my daughter’s language and mine as well. What a beautiful soul fulfilling language it is!”

– Natalie D.

“We can unreservedly recommend that every school and parent get involved in Mr. Pickup’s Student Serenity Project. We have every confidence that it will create amazing children, parents and educators. The Serenity Project is a valuable asset for any organization.

Mr. Pickup’s class continuously stood out as a very capable group of students who were self assured and also began learning how to be accountable for their decisions and actions at such a young age. This was and is due to having such a positive and engaged teacher.

Our daughter began believing in herself, her abilities both personally and academically. She began dealing with people on a better level. She learned how to explain her frustrations rather than lashing out or raising her voice.”

– Karen and Keith Harron

About Aaron Pickup
Aaron Pickup with Daughter

Aaron Pickup is the founder of The Student Serenity Project Inc. Aaron has been teaching in the classroom for 14 years and has a calling for bringing out the best in the students and parents he works with.

He believes a connectedness between students, parents and teachers is the cornerstone for supporting and guiding a healthy, thriving child.

Aaron is married to Margaret Pickup and they have 4 beautiful children, Devin, Maya, Lola and Luke. He was born and raised in Nova Scotia and moved around the US and Canada, teaching and coaching for over 20 years.

Aaron has transformed his life by implementing the 5 Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz and many other suggestions that were offered to him.

Aaron has a B.Ed., is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner and is training to be a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP). He doesn’t offer therapy to deal with clinical diagnoses, but will coach students, parents and educators overcome challenges to get what they want out of life.

Aaron’s Student Serenity Project has been the “catalyst” in transforming student’s lives by Allowing them to feel good. Aaron believes that by feeling GOOD, we can be creative, free and accepting of each other in this unlimited, abundant and joyous life.

“if I want to be free I have to be me” – Bill Gove

Subscribe below to receive email updates on easy to implement ideas that Aaron has used with his students and his own children that you can use today! These are research based strategies that can be utilized right away. It is up to you, you have to decide if you want change, and if you do, let’s get started.